How To Advertise on Local TV

While the spotlight often shines on online and social media advertising, it’s crucial not to underestimate the power and influence of TV advertising. Consider this: the average viewer in the US spends up to 5 hours a day glued to their television screens. These stats underscore the huge potential that local TV advertising holds. When it comes to learning how to advertise on local TV, the key is how effectively you employ a well-crafted strategy to harness this power. 


This is where Nartak comes in. We possess the know-how to not only reach but also profoundly influence customers in a manner that leaves a lasting impact. Let’s dive into these advantages more closely and explore how you can leverage TV ads.


What Does It Mean To Advertise on Local TV?

Let’s begin by examining the essence of local TV advertising. At its core, local TV advertising sets itself apart from national campaigns by involving the placement of television commercials exclusively on local channels. This approach offers more target precision, focusing specific viewers within designated regions, whether it is a city, town, or even a specific metropolitan area. 

digital graphic with a man and woman sitting on the couch looking at their tv

There are plenty of benefits if you choose to advertise on local TV. To begin with, marketers can target specific customers within defined geographical areas, with generally less costs than advertising nationally. Moreover, a local TV campaign is an effective tool to fortify your brand presence and draw in loyal and engaged customers who are already ardent viewers of those channels. 

For instance, advertising sports equipment on local sporting channels with passionate viewership or promoting your auto dealership on a car review program, where the viewers are likely to be interested in automotive trends or even looking for a new vehicle. 

Now, the key to getting all the benefits we mentioned above is knowing how, when, and where to place your ads, which is the topic we will delve into next. 


Setting Clear Advertising Goals

First and foremost, you need to know what you want to achieve. In other words, make sure to define your goals with precision. Are you looking to increase brand awareness? Drive sales? Or launch a product? 

Don’t forget to delve into understanding your audience. Who are they? Consider their age, gender, interests, and all other relevant demographics. Knowing all this essential information will help shape your TV ad campaign. 

Remote pointing at Television screen

Once you have laid out these critical pieces of the puzzle, you can then go on to the next step of choosing the right local TV channels to advertise your products.  

Choosing the Right Local TV Channels

Choosing the proper TV channels for your ads is absolutely pivotal to the success of your campaign. After all the hard work and investment, it would be a shame to see it go to waste by not selecting the most fitting channels for your brand.

WTAE channel 4 in PIttsburgh

To ensure you make the right choice, allocate some time to thoroughly research and evaluate various local TV options. It is paramount to find channels and programs that align with your objectives. Consider the essential factors, such as the channel’s viewership, credibility, and reputation.

Besides choosing the right channel, You must also determine the ideal time slots for airing your ads. Know when your target audience is tuning in, and make sure your ads feature during relevant shows. By meticulously hand-picking the proper channels, programs, and time, you not only increase your chances of success but also maximize the benefits your campaign can yield.


Crafting an Effective Advertisement

The last crucial step in knowing how to advertise on local TV involves crafting a compelling advertising campaign based on your established goals.

male commercial director standing behind the camera while filming a clip for a tv advertisement

Remember that TV advertisement wields significant power because of its ability to engage viewers through visual and auditory elements. For example, many of us have experienced having catchy tunes, memorable words, or slogans from a commercial sticking in our minds–that is precisely what we aim for. We want to create strong connections that leave a lasting impact and enable our viewers to resonate with our brand. 


End Note

There is no doubt that TV advertisements are still relevant and effective in conveying messages to consumers. The benefits of local TV advertising hold the potential to propel your business to new heights. Harness the benefits to its fullest by clearly defining your goals and audience, along with placing ads strategically and crafting captivating ads. 

Creating, placing, and delivering ads successfully requires dedicated effort. Consider working with a media buying agency and TV advertising professionals to help negotiate good rates, and plan and create effective TV ads, ensuring they reach the right audience and achieve the desired results. 

Connect with our team at Nartak Media Group to explore how we can assist you in this exciting journey.


Why Is TV Advertising Effective? 

Perhaps one of the most familiar forms of advertising is TV advertising. TV advertisements include some kind of message about an event, product, or service and occur between television programming, also known as commercials. 

The first commercial aired in July of 1941, during a game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and Philadelphia Phillies. It’s no surprise, then, that TV advertising has had a long time to gain popularity and become a multi-billion dollar market. 

Today, we are going to dive in and explore the effectiveness of TV advertising in the world of marketing. Keep reading to learn 4 key reasons why you should consider TV advertising as part of your own strategy.

Why Is TV Advertising Effective? - People watching the news

1. Wide Reach and Mass Audience

The first reason why TV advertising is effective is, as a whole, TV has an extremely wide reach. More specifically, TV reaches a broad audience across multiple demographics in households worldwide. With the ability to simultaneously reach a large audience, TV advertising already has more opportunities to catch the attention of the right people at the right time. 

For example, during a big sporting event, such as the Super Bowl, millions of people are tuned in, watching the television. A single ad during the Super Bowl will reach millions of viewers all at once. This high exposure will generate more brand visibility and recognition. 


2. Impactful Visual and Audio Elements

 Another reason why TV advertising is so effective is a result of the impactful visual and audio elements these ads include. The use of visuals, colors, and motion to engage viewers captivates their attention and ultimately helps a brand generate more leads. Rather than text on a page, or even an image on a billboard, TV advertisements have the ability to showcase products or services in action. 

On top of the visual elements of TV ads, audio elements can also enhance an audience’s experience with a memorable jingle or neat sound effects. Think about the flooring company, Empire Today. It comes with no surprise if you are able to recall their phone number within a matter of seconds. Jingles stick. Even simple sound effects like the bell sound during a Taco Bell commercial is recognizable. Key takeaway? Audio creates brand recognition! 

Why Is TV Advertising Effective? - person with tv controller

3. Emotional Connection and Influence

TV advertising is effective because it has the ability to captivate an audience with a story and create a narrative around a topic. Storytelling evokes emotions and creates relatable stories for viewers to resonate with. As a result, brands build affinity by connecting with these consumers on a deeper level. Evoking emotion also helps to build credibility and trustworthiness because people perceive the ads with legitimacy and authority. 

4. Local TV Advertising is Cost-Effective and Affordable

If you have never considered local TV advertising before, we’d like to change your mind! Local TV ads are both cost-effective and affordable if you know how, where, and when to buy them. Things like local news and local sporting events can attract a loyal, engaged audience from a specific location or area. This can be extremely helpful if a brand is trying to reach a local demographic.

Why Is TV Advertising Effective? - woman sitting in front of tv, watching a car commercial

End Note

The marketing and advertising landscape is constantly changing, however, TV advertising is here to stay! With its ability to reach specific audiences and tell stories, there is no doubt that TV advertising is effective. 

At Nartak Media Group, we’ve been able to find television solutions for almost any client and budget! We are constantly seeking affordable and effective television options that get our client’s message in front of the right people and grow sales. Are you ready to get started? Contact us today!

What is the Best Time to Advertise on TV?

Despite common misconceptions, TV Advertising is still extremely effective and popular amongst many companies. TV marketing and advertising can help expose your brand, products, and services to a wider audience and drive conversions. Determining the best time to advertise on TV, however, requires strategic planning and understanding of viewer habits throughout different times of the year.

The best time to advertise on TV advertising is often linked to specific seasons or events that draw high viewership. Each period of the year offers unique advantages for TV marketing campaigns. Keep reading to learn why! 


The Best Time to Advertise on TV:

1. Event-Driven Peaks

Major sporting events like the Super Bowl attract millions of viewers and provide an unparalleled platform for advertisements. This is the biggest football game of the year!

The weeks leading up to such events also see a significant spike in viewership as people tune in to watch their favorite teams in the playoffs. This offers a captivated audience for your commercials and advertisements.

The best time to advertise on TV - 2 men watching the super bowl

What makes the Super Bowl so appealing for advertising? It has one of the largest live television audiences and is one of the few remaining events where people are not just skipping through the ads. Having an engaged and captivated audience is rare, so take advantage of this opportunity! Just to put things into perspective, in 2022, roughly 99 million people watched the Super Bowl, and in 2023, the viewership spiked to 115 million!


2. Post-Holiday Season

The best time to advertise on TV - woman turning on netflix in a room decorated for the holidaysWhile it is important to have a consistent advertising strategy throughout the entire year, January and February are two of the best months to advertise on TV. This period, often considered an “off-season” for advertising, allows brands to maintain visibility when competitors might be reducing their ad spending.

These slower times are great for focusing on building brand awareness, too. A smart, well-crafted television campaign can develop, and, over time, viewers will come to know who you are and what you stand for. No other form of advertising does this better than TV. When other companies are slowing their advertising after the holiday season, you can jump in and take advantage of this opportunity to be seen and heard.

Additionally, you can use the January and February months to find new customers through your TV advertisements. You should have more time to dig deeper into the market and competitive research.


3. Seasonal Shows and Series Premieres

Advertising during popular TV series premieres or seasonal shows can also be effective. These periods often attract dedicated viewerships, offering a consistent audience for your ads.

The launch of a new season or series often generates significant buzz and anticipation among viewers. This excitement translates into higher engagement levels, making it an opportune time for you to capture audience attention.

Another benefit of advertising during these shows is the ability to attract specific demographics by aligning your ad with a show whose viewership mirrors your target audience. That way you can tailor your message more effectively and increase its relevance.


So, what is the best time to advertise on TV?

The best time to advertise on TV varies depending on your specific goals and target audience. While some periods offer higher viewership due to events or seasonal trends, the effectiveness of your campaign also depends on how well it aligns with your audience’s interests and habits.


Why should you advertise on TV?

TV marketing campaigns help to boost your company’s overall credibility by exposing your brand, products, and services to a large, diverse audience. People spend time with television, and it attracts loyal viewers to things like local news, live entertainment, sports, and popular serial shows. By advertising for loyal viewers, you can create loyal customers.

If you’re considering a TV advertising campaign, now is an excellent time to start planning. Whether targeting event-driven peaks, seasonal shows, or any other high-viewership periods, Nartak Media Group is here to guide you in crafting an effective TV marketing strategy.

Contact us today to explore the best opportunities for your company and get your message across to the right audience at the right time.

How to Measure TV Advertising

Measuring TV advertising performance is not a walk in the park. As much as we wish this wasn’t the case, there is no singular tool or measurement solution that is guaranteed to work for every campaign out there. Although, as technology advances, our understanding of TV’s effects also improves. That being said, we are sharing 5 tips on how to measure TV advertising.


Tips To Measure TV Advertising


Measure Primary Impacts

      1. To measure TV advertising, start small by evaluating the responses to ads within minutes after each airing. Track the responses through calls, texts, or the web to evaluate performance. These numbers can provide an early indication of how people are responding to the ad.
      2. Evaluating these primary impacts can serve as an indicator of success for TV advertising, but keep in mind that it is not the full picture.


Measure TV Advertising - Back of man sitting on couch watching tvDon’t Ignore Secondary Impacts

      1. When viewing an ad, most people won’t be inclined to act right away. That is why it is extremely important to look at the secondary impacts TV ads can make. Say a person sees your ad today but doesn’t act upon it for a few weeks. They were still influenced by the TV campaign but weren’t inclined to take action immediately. 
      2. To keep track of secondary impacts like these, pay attention to see if the total number of new customers increases, or if your web traffic increases due to consumer searches. Both of these are great signs of effective TV advertising! One more thing to consider is adding a survey to your website asking visitors how they initially learned about your brand. This will help narrow down your measurements as well.


Pay Attention to Big-Picture Impacts

Measure TV Advertising - Hand holds remote control in front of tv

      1. Although both the primary and secondary impacts of your TV campaign will give you some good information and measurements to go off of, always pay attention to big-picture impacts as well. Not everyone will act on a TV advertisement immediately, or even within a week, so it is important to consider the lasting brand effects a campaign can have. 
      2. To do so, conduct surveys to look for changes in the way people think about or react to your brand. Also, make sure to notice if there is a greater range of opportunities for partnerships or an increase in overall revenue. All of these can be used to measure TV advertising.


Strive for Transparency

One of the biggest difficulties you will face when measuring TV advertising is the lack of transparency in the industry. Unfortunately, many companies make it difficult to evaluate the opportunity and overall performance. You want to strive to find a company that will give you full transparency when it comes to the performance data they collect. Here at Nartak, we believe our clients to be of the utmost importance, so transparency comes naturally. We always strive to provide the best strategic advertising services.


Measure TV Advertising - Open laptop with google analytics on screenOptimize Based on Performance

If you have recently launched a TV campaign but you have not seen improvement, that does not necessarily mean that TV advertising doesn’t work for you. Throughout the duration of the campaign, it is important to measure the performance using these tips, but also optimize and adjust the strategy based on those measurements. Working to improve the campaign will help you to have more confidence in the end result.


By themselves, the above tips could not satisfy as a singular measurement approach for TV ads. However, when the different effects that TV has are all taken into consideration, then you will get an overall, clearer picture.


Are you interested in learning more about TV advertising? Be sure to contact Nartak today.


Glossary of Common TV Buying Terms

When we work with clients at Nartak Media Group, we understand that paid media comes with a lot of industry slang, so to help our clients gain a better understanding, we’ve put together a glossary of TV buying terms.

TV Buying Terms:

Bookend Approach: This approach is where there is a set of two matching or related commercials. One commercial will play at the beginning of a commercial break and the other will be played at the end of the commercial break. This is best used for companies who want to use repetition to have viewers remember their message. TV Buying Terms: Bookend Approach To TV Commercials

TV Buying Terms Competitive Separation: Competitive separation is the length of time between commercials for the same service or product from a competitor. This is also known as commercial protection in broadcast and typically lasts about 10 minutes between commercials.


Crawl: These are simple lines of text scrolling across the bottom of the screen. They are similar to weather information or secondary headlines found at the bottom of a newscast.

TV Buying Terms: Crawl








Daypart: Dayparting is the act of dividing the broadcast day into parts that are reflective of the demographic and target audience viewership during a segmented period of time, such as early morning.TV Buying Terms ; Dayparting






Fixed Position Spots: These spots are guaranteed positions for TV advertisements that cannot be moved by the provider.

Flowchart: A flowchart is a summary of the information on the medium, placement, budget, and run time of your spot, serving as a roadmap for your spot’s television lifetime.

Frequency: This is the measure of how many viewers see your spot after the initial contact.

Makegoods: Makegoods are rerun credits that are given to an advertiser by the medium, radio station, television station, publication, etc., that are used to compensate for an error in timing, composition, or placement of an advertisement. TV Buying Terms

Reach: This is a term that refers to the total number of different households or people that are exposed to your spot during its run at least one time. This measures how far the spot makes it in reference to the medium and distance.

Spot: This is a catch-all industry term for commercials and advertisements. A regular spot runs from about 30 to 90 seconds, whereas long-form spots can run between 5 and 30 minutes. Long-form spots are more content-rich and tend to be infomercials or pitches.

Zoned Cable Television: Zoned cable television allows networks to air different commercials in specific geographic areas. This means spots can be run on certain shows, channels, and devices. Spots can even be run during on-demand programming.

With a better understanding of television buying terms, you may be thinking that TV advertising is best for your products. If you are interested in TV advertising, the experts at Nartak Media Group are ready to help.

Award-Winning Full-Service Media Agency in Pittsburgh

Nartak Media Group has crafted valuable relationships with the media and can help you create an effective strategy and plan for a campaign to help you meet your advertising goals. Contact us today to discuss TV advertising as well as our selection of digital, print, and radio advertising options.

Advantages of Broadcast TV Advertising

In today’s digital age, where online advertising seems to dominate, traditional broadcast TV advertising still holds a significant edge for many businesses. Let’s explore the key advantages of broadcast TV advertising and why it remains a valuable tool for marketers.

Continue reading “Advantages of Broadcast TV Advertising”