How To Place An Advertisement In The Newspaper

With all the digital ads flooding our screens these days, who even picks up a newspaper anymore? But little do people know, that plenty of people still turn to the tried-and-true print papers for their news and info, citing reliability as one of the reasons. 

But isn’t newspaper advertising the oldest form of advertising and so old-fashioned? Yes. But putting an ad in the newspaper can actually be an effective way to get your brand out there, especially to the older demographic that digital ads just can’t quite capture. Interested in learning more about newspaper advertising? Read our blog today about how to place an advertisement in the newspaper. 


How To Place An Advertisement In The Newspaper 

1. Understanding Newspaper Advertising Options 

When thinking about newspapers, you might envision lots of text and a few images. While that’s partially true, newspaper advertising offers a variety of formats to suit different businesses. Here are the main types to consider:

Classifieds: These are short, text-based ads organized by categories, like Jobs, Real Estate, or Cars for Sale. They’re perfect for targeting people looking for specific products or services.

Display Ads: These ads are more visually striking, often featuring images or logos. Placed throughout the newspaper, they’re great for grabbing attention and boosting brand recognition.

Inserts: These are separate printed materials, such as brochures or flyers, tucked into the newspaper. They’re ideal for providing detailed information about promotions or offerings.

Online Ads: Many newspapers now have digital editions with ad space available. Online ads can reach a wider audience than print alone, offering additional exposure for your business.

2. Identifying Target Newspapers and Publications 

how to place an advertisement in the newspaper

Now that you know the different types of newspaper ads, the next big step is figuring out exactly where to place those ads. You don’t want just to throw a dart at a map – you need to do your research to zero in on the perfect publications.

A good starting point is looking at the local papers and city magazines around where your business operates or where your main customer base is located. But don’t stop there – you’ll want to dive deeper into who actually reads those papers. Understand the demographics like age, income levels, interests, and lifestyles. You want it to align with your ideal target market as closely as possible. 

Another angle is exploring niche, industry-specific publications if you’re in a specialized field. For instance, if you own a sports equipment store, you’d want your ads running in athletic and dedicated publications. This will allow you to laser-focus your advertising efforts to maximize impact. 

3. Setting Advertising Objectives and Budget 

Before embarking on your newspaper advertising campaign, it’s essential to clearly define your advertising goals. This ensures you can develop the most effective strategies and allocate the appropriate budget to achieve your objectives.

So, what are your objectives for this particular campaign? Brand awareness and getting your name out there? Or a mix of branding and promotional efforts? Figuring out the objectives will clarify what strategies to take to get you there. Once you set your goals, you will also have a better understanding of the budget, which is a major deciding factor. 

how to place an advertisement in the newspaper

Different ad types and publications have different prices. For instance, a classified ad is typically more budget-friendly. If you have more flexibility on budget, an insert or catchy display ads will help you make a statement for your brand. Therefore, your strategy and budget will have to follow based on the goals you’d like to achieve. Start by narrowing down your objectives, then continue crafting your advertisement. 


4. Designing and Crafting Your Advertisement 

Let’s get down to the action–designing and creating your newspaper advertisement. So besides crafting the right message, focus also on the visuals, both of which, when combined successfully, can create the perfect newspaper ads that are compelling and appealing! 

For the text, it’s all about maximizing impact with a limited amount of space. You need a headline that instantly grabs attention and persuasive wording that speaks directly to your target audience’s wants and desires. Rather than just listing features, really focus on the key benefits and what’s in it for the reader. And don’t forget a clear, hard-hitting call to action that leaves them craving more!

Regarding visuals, remember they’re more than mere images; they’re a powerful means of conveying your message. Carefully chosen visuals can effectively communicate the value of your product or service. Ensure you use high-quality graphics and images not only for attractiveness’s sake but also to maintain a professional appearance—anything less could tarnish your brand’s reputation. Get creative by blending images, logos, and text in captivating ways. The right combination can significantly enhance the overall visual appeal and impact of your advertising.



5. Contacting Newspaper Advertising Departments 

Once you’ve chosen the newspaper for your ads, it’s time to contact them. Start by visiting their website to locate the contact information for their advertising representatives or managers. 

how to place an advertisement in the newspaper

Reach out to them via email or phone, introduce yourself courteously and professionally, and request a meeting. When preparing your pitch, ensure it’s comprehensive and not vague. Include essential details about your advertising campaign, such as your brand’s identity, target audience, the type of newspaper advertisement you’re interested in, and your desired timing/schedule for the ads. The representative will likely want to review the actual ad creative to ensure it aligns with their guidelines, so have a polished copy of the ad ready to share. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have to better understand the process before proceeding to the next step.

6. Negotiating Ad Placement and Rates 

Now, it’s time to discuss the price for your ad request. If the quoted price doesn’t meet your expectations, don’t hesitate to negotiate, especially if you’re considering a long-term ad run. Ad representatives are often open to offering discounts and deals.

Explore the available options, such as bundled offers, which typically include multiple ad placements across various newspaper sections. These deals can provide discounted rates while still offering favorable placement options.

Be willing to consider adjustments to meet your budget requirements. This may involve accepting placement in different sections of the newspaper or on other pages to secure a more favorable rate. Remember to maintain a positive relationship with the representatives, even if a deal isn’t reached. Building and maintaining rapport can positively influence future negotiations, potentially leading to better outcomes down the line.



7. Reviewing Ad Proof and Finalizing Details 

Reviewing the ad proof is of utmost importance before sending your ad out to the public. It’s the final check to ensure everything is polished perfectly. Here’s how to approach it:

Check Content Accuracy: Review the ad proof to ensure all information is accurate. Is everything you want included? Look for typos or errors in the content that need fixing.

Assess Visual Elements: Verify that the visual elements look crisp and engaging. Ensure they align with your brand and effectively grab attention.

Seek Feedback: Get a fresh perspective by having colleagues review the ad copy. They may spot errors or inconsistencies that you missed.

Approve for Publication: Once satisfied with the final copy and any revisions made, you may submit it for publication.


8. Submitting and Scheduling Your Advertisement 

After your newspaper ad design is finalized and ready to go, it’s time to submit and schedule it for publication.

First, you’ll want to contact the advertising department of your chosen newspaper. Contact them and discuss when exactly you want your ad to run. Be prepared with some target publication dates or time frames in mind.

Before sending over your materials, make sure you clearly understand their submission requirements. There are usually guidelines around issues like file formats, dimensions, and resolution—little technical details that can be a setback if you don’t have them right. You don’t want to waste time going back and forth because a dimension was off by an inch.

Once you’ve figured it all out, you can submit your print-ready ad files directly to the advertising rep, usually by email or through an online portal they have. Double-check that they received everything correctly.

From there, the newspaper will typically send over a digital proof so you can review it one final time before approving. You want to make certain the ad looks perfect and matches your vision. Once everything looks good, it’s ready for publication!


9. Monitoring and Analyzing Ad Performance 

Publishing your ad copy is just the beginning of the journey, not the end! The real work continues as you track its performance to understand what’s effective and what needs improvement for future campaigns.

Monitoring and analyzing ad performance is akin to a learning process and experience. It provides invaluable insights into the effectiveness of your advertising strategy, highlighting areas of success and areas for enhancement. Therefore, it’s crucial to track performance metrics diligently and leverage them to make data-driven adjustments. 

You can optimize your advertising efforts for greater impact and success by continuously refining your approach based on performance data.


End Note

So, to recap on how to place an advertisement in the newspaper, you have to understand the different ad types out there – the small classifieds, the splashy display ads, and those insert flyers that get tucked into the paper. Get clear on your objectives too – are you going for brand awareness or trying to drive sales leads?

Then, you need to identify the perfect newspapers and magazines for your specific targets. Once you’ve nailed down the proper channels, it’s all about crafting compelling ads that will grab attention and resonate with your audience. And, of course, you’ll want to keep close tabs on performance to double down on what’s working. Do it right, and newspaper advertising can be an incredibly powerful addition to your overall marketing arsenal and media mix

Get your marketing effort to the next level by involving Nartak in your next campaign! Our team lives and breathes advertising across all channels and mediums—including newspapers. We know all the tricks of the trade to maximize your ROI and crush those marketing goals through strategic campaigns.

Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.

What is Programmatic Advertising?

Have you ever been surprised or puzzled by how eerily relevant those ads popping up on your screen seem to be? If you ever think it was just a coincidence, we can assure you it’s not. That’s programmatic advertising in action. In today’s blog, we’ll seek to answer the questions, “What is programmatic advertising?” how does it work, and how can it be a beneficial tool for your business to utilize?


What is Programmatic Advertising?

Let’s start by answering the central question: what is Programmatic Advertising? In the simplest form, it’s like an autopilot for media buying. Unlike traditional media buying, where the ad-buying processes are done manually, such as making phone calls and negotiations, programmatic advertising uses machine learning tools and algorithms to automate the entire ad-buying process. Moreover, it analyzes various user signals to place ads that serve the right person, the place, at the right time. As a result, you get an overall increase in speed, precision, and result. 

If used correctly, this advertising blend of technology and algorithms can give you ample benefits in your media buying journey and overall performance. 


How Does Programmatic Advertising Work?

The Role of Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs)

At the center of the programmatic advertising ecosystem are DSPs or Demand-Side Platforms. DSPs are software platforms where advertisers bid and manage ad inventory across many digital channels in real time. 

Within the DSPs’ interface, advertisers start their campaign by defining key parameters such as campaign goals, budget, and target audience. Using this information, the DSP scours digital ad inventory across digital platforms, like websites and mobile apps. When the target audience matches, the DSP evaluates available ad slots and places bids to secure optimal placement. DSPs monitor performance metrics throughout the campaign and use the information to optimize bidding strategies. Finally, at the end of the process, DSPs provide comprehensive reports and analytics, offering valuable insights into campaign performance and effectiveness.


Couple sitting on couch looking at tv

The Role of Supply-Side Platforms (SSPs) 

On the other side of the spectrum is the supply-side platforms (SSPs), or the publishers’ side, serving as a partner of DSPs. Here, publishers use the platform to sell their ad space and connect with advertisers. First, SSPs aggregate ad inventory across the various digital channels. It then provides publishers with tools to manage and optimize their ad inventory. Here, publishers can set their price and other parameters to ensure it aligns with their monetization objectives. When there’s an ad request, the SSPs conduct real-time auctions to determine the highest bidder for the ad slot. 

The Ad Exchange

The ad exchange serves as the dynamic marketplace where advertisers and publishers connect seamlessly and conduct real-time transactions. It provides advertisers access to diverse ad opportunities while enabling publishers to monetize their digital properties efficiently.

It all begins with advertisers seeking out available ad space, initiating what we call an ad placement request. This request is then funneled into an auction process within the ad exchange. Here, the request is open to bidding by advertisers vying for the opportunity.  

Once the winning bid is determined, the ad is delivered to the user’s device in the available ad slot. Key performance metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversions, engagement, etc., are recorded during all these processes. This information is then collected to optimize future bidding and ad placements for better results. 

Real-Time Bidding (RTB) vs. Programmatic Direct

Real-Time Bidding (RTB) and Programmatic Direct are two distinct strategies in Programmatic Advertising, each with its own advantages and considerations for advertisers.

Real-Time Bidding provides advertisers more flexibility in bidding for an ad space. Advertisers can adjust their bids and target specific audience segments based on real-time data and campaign objectives. In contrast, programmatic direct involves buying ad placements at fixed prices. This method offers predictability and stability in pricing, with advertisers securing inventory at agreed-upon rates.

In terms of inventory options and quality, RTB offers advertisers a wide range of ad space options across various digital channels. However, the quality of this inventory can vary, and advertisers may need to implement strategies to ensure its relevance. With programmatic direct, advertisers can secure inventory on specific channels or websites, ensuring its relevance with their brand values. This method prioritizes quality over quantity, focusing on a more targeted approach to ad placement. 


Programmatic Advertising Benefits

Increased Efficiency and Automation

The first benefit of programmatic advertising is efficiency in time and effort. With automation as the basis of programmatic advertising, tasks like bidding, ad placement, and campaign optimization are performed swiftly and efficiently. This frees up valuable time and resources for advertisers, allowing them to focus on strategy and creativity rather than administrative tasks.

Woman looking at her phone on the couch

Targeting and Personalization

One of the standout features of programmatic advertising is the enhanced targeting capabilities. The precision in targeting ensures that ads are delivered to the right people, in the right place, at the right time. Additionally, Programmatic Advertising allows for dynamic ad creativity, enabling personalized messaging tailored to individual users, further enhancing engagement and relevance.

Improved ROI and Analytics

Programmatic advertising provides a comprehensive report on campaign performance, robust analytics, and reporting tools, where advertisers gain valuable insights into how their ads perform across various metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and engagement rates. This data-driven approach helps advertisers make informed decisions, optimize campaigns in real-time, and allocate budget more effectively, ultimately maximizing ROI.


Programmatic Advertising Trends

Advancements in programmatic advertising are poised to shape the future of marketing, bringing both opportunities and challenges for marketers. Key trends driving this evolution include the integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence), which enhances targeting and optimization through AI-powered algorithms. This technology enables marketers to deliver more precise and effective ad campaigns.

Another significant trend is the rise of programmatic TV, driven by the growing popularity of streaming platforms and connected TV devices. Marketers can capitalize on this trend to expand their reach and engage with audiences across various screens, mirroring the strategies used in digital advertising.

With all that said, there are also challenges ahead. The evolving landscape of data privacy presents a notable challenge for advertisers. With increasing concerns about privacy, regulations such as restrictions on data collection, like the limitations on third-party cookies, are reshaping targeting capabilities in programmatic advertising.

Advertisers must, therefore, adapt their strategies to comply with regulations while maintaining effective targeting and personalization. This often involves a shift towards leveraging first-party data and contextual targeting methods to ensure relevancy and compliance.


End Note

Programmatic advertising has emerged as a powerful tool for advertisers, revolutionizing how digital ads are bought and sold. With its efficiency and automation, advertisers can streamline their processes, freeing up valuable time and resources to focus on strategy and creativity. Moreover, the advanced targeting capabilities and personalization offered by programmatic advertising allow advertisers to reach their target audience precisely. 

Ready to elevate your digital advertising performance? Let experts like us at Nartak Media Group show you the ropes! Discover how programmatic advertising can enhance your marketing strategies and beyond!


Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.

TV Advertising Trends to Watch in 2024

Traditional TV advertising remains a dominant force despite the rise of digital platforms. However, 2024 marks a new era where traditional and digital advertising fuse together, blending the best of both worlds. While 30-second spots remain integral, they are reimagined with dynamic, targeted, and interactive elements fused with digital platforms. This nostalgic yet novel blend combines the power of primetime reach with the precision of digital personalization.

Now, let’s dive into some of the newest TV advertising trends in 2024 that will shape the future of advertising.


The Resurgence of Traditional TV Advertising 

Despite the explosion of digital platforms and streaming services in recent years, traditional television advertising remains a dominant force in the media world. Despite all the digital choices people have today, statistics say that the average American still watches about 5 hours of regular TV every day!

This loyalty to traditional television shows that TV advertising is here to stay. Far from becoming obsolete in the digital age, TV advertising continues to reach many people and generates a significant return on investment (ROI). Major trends indicate that traditional TV retains its role as a powerhouse platform even with new ways to advertise.


Integration of Digital and TV Advertising 

couple sitting on couch watching tv

Programmatic TV Buying 

One of the key TV advertising trends that shape the future of advertising is the rise of media buying. This method of automated ad placements based on viewers’ behavior data helps advertisers aim their messages at specific groups more accurately, making sure they reach the right people at the right time. This trend doesn’t just improve targeting but also enhances the efficiency of TV ad campaigns.

Cross-Platform Campaigns 

As the boundaries between digital and traditional mediums blur, it’s clear that running campaigns on both is essential. These cross-platform campaigns unify messaging across TV, radio, streaming, websites, and social media. People get the same brand story no matter where they are watching or scrolling. It’s like staying in touch with the audience wherever they are – a clever way to share a complete brand message.


Personalization and Targeted Advertising

The TV advertising trends are evolving to become more personal in 2024, aiming at specific groups of viewers. Advertisers can use Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to understand audiences better and create ads that fit particular interests in today’s high-tech world. 

Man sitting on couch with a bowl of popcorn watching a burger commercial on TV

The techniques employed a deeper audience segmentation in TV advertising by grouping viewers based on what they like, how they behave, and their demographics based on extensive datasets and analysis. The result? Laser-focused campaigns that directly align with individual preferences make each interaction with consumers a more meaningful experience.


The Impact of Streaming Services on TV Advertising

The popularity of streaming services is changing how TV ads work. Putting ads right into the shows has become necessary with people using platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime. However, the tricky part is making these ads feel like they belong without bothering viewers.  

Advertising on Streaming Platforms 

The big trend these days is to put ads right into streaming services to connect with viewers more personally. Keeping up with the streaming era means finding creative ways to add ads smoothly. Hence, these ads improve the viewer’s experience instead of getting in the way. It’s like having a small, memorable chat with viewers while they’re watching their favorite stuff.

A significant shift in the streaming world happens when different platforms try out ad-supported models. Instead of making users pay for ad-free content access, these models fund streaming services through advertising. Most big streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney, and Peacock have used this approach. Some platforms like HBO even do more to create a deeper connection with viewers by offering traditional commercial spots, sponsored content, and product placement.


Innovations in TV Ad Formats 

Interactive TV Ads 

Interactive TV ads have become one of the TV advertising trends that are changing the game for advertisers. By creating campaigns that invite viewers to be a part of the action, the whole ad can be more memorable and effective. This ad innovation also makes watching TV more fun for the viewers while giving advertisers a peek into what their viewers like and how they behave. 

Short-Form Ads 

In today’s fast-paced world of quick-scrolling and ad-skipping, advertisers who adopt shorter ad formats are catering to what the audience wants and putting themselves ahead in the changing advertising scene. It’s not just about staying current; it’s about using concise messages to establish a significant connection in a world where every second counts.

Man sitting and watching TV commercial that says "BIG SALE"


Ethical Advertising and Social Responsibility

Last but certainly not least, one of the TV advertising trends to watch in 2024 is the rise of ethical advertising and the promotion of social responsibility. This shift shows that people care about brands or companies being responsible and making ethical choices. Take green marketing, for example. Some brands show how they’re being eco-friendly and creating products that don’t harm the environment through ads. This kind of advertising makes consumers feel good about the brand and more likely to stick with it.


End Note 

As we move into 2024, this article on TV advertising trends shows how TV advertising is evolving while retaining its core strengths. The intersection of traditional charm and cutting-edge technology opens doors for advertisers to connect with audiences in ways that resonate. From the rise of programmatic buying and cross-platform campaigns to ethical advertising, businesses can reach the right people at the right time, making TV advertising effective and efficient.

Want to leverage these 2024 TV ad trends to grow your business? Our experts at Nartak Media Group stay on top of the latest strategies and tools to help brands succeed. Contact us today to discuss how advanced TV advertising can accelerate your marketing.


Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.

Top 5 Advertising Trends in 2024

Advertising is constantly evolving to keep up with technological advances and changes in consumer behavior. There are exciting, new advertising trends in 2024 that have the potential to transform marketing strategies. 

From harnessing artificial intelligence to exploring new social platforms, the advertising landscape is shifting innovatively, providing fresh opportunities for brands to engage their audience creatively.

In this article, we will explore the top five advertising trends in 2024 that are reshaping how brands connect with consumers.


1. AI and Machine Learning in Advertising 

If you still need to dip your toes into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in advertising, now’s the time to seriously consider it. This game-changing integration has completely transformed how brands interact with their audience. 

By harnessing the power of AI, advertisers are taking targeting and personalization to a whole new level. These algorithms dive deep into vast datasets, predicting consumer behavior with precision. The result? Highly targeted campaigns that hit the bullseye, resonating with individual preferences and making each consumer interaction more meaningful.

Digital illustration of AI advertising trends in 2024 with an AI robot

In 2024, automated ad buying is predicted to become a major player. This process involves using complex algorithms to buy and sell digital ad spaces in real-time. 

As these algorithms get more advanced, they can analyze how people use the internet in real time – their likes, online behaviors, and preferences. This intelligent upgrade ensures that ads aren’t just present but truly stand out, forming a connection with the people they’re meant for.


2. Interactive and Immersive Ad Experiences 

In 2024, passive viewing is so last season. Consumers are no longer satisfied with passive viewing experiences; they crave engagement. 

Interactive advertisements, where users actively participate, are gaining traction. This one of the advertising trends in 2024 compels advertisers to explore innovative ways to captivate their audience’s attention and create memorable brand experiences. 

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Advertising Trends in 2024

As technologies evolve, we can anticipate more sophisticated and realistic immersive experiences that blur the lines between the physical and digital realms. Get ready for a dose of reality – both augmented and virtual.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are not just tech jargon; they’re the secret sauce for creating immersive brand experiences. From virtual product trials to 3D wonderlands, brands are encouraged to step up their game. 

However, do not worry if you’re still into the classic video campaigns. Video content remains a powerful tool. Yet, in 2024, the rise of interactive video campaigns is hard to ignore. 

Imagine a creative billboard playing an interactive video with touchscreen technology where consumers can actively participate and choose their narratives, turning ads into engaging experiences.


3. Sustainability and Ethical Advertising 

As societal consciousness grows, consumers increasingly prioritize ethical and sustainable practices, as reflected by a 71% spike in Google searches worldwide for sustainable goods. In response, more and more brands are aligning their strategies with these advertising trends in 2024, striving to build trust and loyalty among their environmentally-conscious consumers. 

Heinz Ketchup sustainable advertising for recycled bottles

Green marketing is a brand’s strategic move to showcase its eco-friendly side. This initiative highlights the company’s commitment to sustainable choices, a green business model, and actions through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). For instance, a brand might spotlight its use of eco-friendly materials or involvement in conservation projects. 

By weaving these environmentally conscious efforts and transparency into the messaging, companies can build a positive brand image associated with sustainability.


4. Voice Search Optimization 

A recent survey revealed that 72% of younger Americans use voice assistant technology. Voice-activated devices are not merely sci-fi dreams; they have become integral to daily lives, significantly influencing how consumers seek information. 

If you don’t adopt the practice of optimizing content for voice search, as outlined in the advertising trends in 2024, you might be missing out.

To remain competitive, start engaging in the conversation. Integrate conversational keywords, keep your messaging concise, and ensure your content is geared toward local searches. Embracing voice search-friendly advertising is the way forward in 2024, where your audience is not just listening but actively participating.

Man using voice search on his mobile phone


5. New Social Media Platforms 

Emerging social media platforms are reshaping digital advertising trends in 2024, with TikTok leading the charge through in-feed videos, branded hashtags, effects, and top-view ads. Instagram Reels Ads, mirroring TikTok’s approach, seamlessly integrate between organic Reels, boasting durations of up to 30 seconds. Snapchat Spotlight adds to this dynamic mix with full-screen video ads strategically placed between snaps, each lasting 10 seconds.

Predictions indicate that these platforms will be pivotal in shaping future social media advertising strategies. Anticipated trends emphasize a continued focus on short-form, visually compelling content as these platforms redefine the advertising landscape, capturing the attention of younger demographics in innovative ways.


End Note 

So, there you have it – the top five advertising trends 2024. Whether diving into the world of AI, creating interactive experiences, embracing sustainability, optimizing for voice search, or riding the social media wave, the key is to stay adaptable.

If you’re seeking guidance in navigating these trends, Nartak Media Group is just a message away. Let’s make your brand the talk of 2024. Get in touch today!


Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.

Creative Billboard Advertising Trends: What to Expect in 2024

Billboard advertising remains an impactful form, serving as a powerful canvas for creative advertising. However, as we look toward the near future, what can we anticipate in the realm of creative billboard advertising? Learn more about what to expect from creative billboard advertising trends in 2024 by reading our piece below! 


2024 Billboard Advertising Trends


1. The Rise of Digital Billboards


McDonald's digital billboard with a clock that changes to show they are open 24 hours

Going digital is not just a choice; it’s a necessity to keep up with an audience that practically lives online. Digital billboard advertising blends the familiarity of traditional billboards with modern innovations, offering advertisers additional tools for dynamic messaging, precise audience targeting, real-time control, and greater flexibility.    

With increased prevalence, billboard advertising will continue to embrace digitalism in 2024, promising more eye-catching visuals and interactive content.

So, what is driving the increased prevalence? It’s all about meeting the demand of audiences yearning for personalized experiences that leave a lasting impact. Creative digital billboard advertising can do just that. 

With this in mind, businesses must stay on top of the anticipated trends in 2024, such as interactive content utilizing artificial intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), and seamless integration with smartphones and social media. We’ll explore these trends further in this article.


2. Interactivity and Engagement


Billboard advertising is one of the most effective ways to deliver highly targeted messages and engaging campaigns. According to one report, 82% of viewers can recall digital billboard ads even after a month. 

Now, imagine this. Billboards are usually large and placed everywhere. Add interactive elements to your billboard–You’re no longer looking at ads as passive advertisements. With the infusion of digital elements, your billboard ads can be more appealing and boost engagement.

People interacting with a interactive billboard inside of a mall

For instance, introduce features like touchscreen technology that allow consumers to directly engage with brands by exploring their products. Or, imagine a creative video playing on the billboard showcasing someone delighting in a refreshing drink on a scorching day. This form of visual storytelling can evoke emotions, captivating viewers not only visually but also instilling a desire for refreshing beverages.


3. Integration with Technology


Technological advancements are propelling the evolution of advertising, offering a strategic golden opportunity for advertisers. When incorporating technology into your creative billboard advertising, remember that the key is enhancing user experience. 

Consumers crave a seamless and memorable interaction. Integrate their mobile devices and social media seamlessly, allowing them to directly engage with brands and share their preferences effortlessly. 

Advertisers will also take it a step further by incorporating Augmented Reality (AR) to immerse customers in creative content, from playing games to embarking on exciting AR adventures. When consumers experience that “wow” factor, they’re likely to share their excitement on social media, extending the reach of your campaign. 


4. Sustainability


Ikea sustainable billboard advertising - showing how many steps it takes to walk to Ikea

Consumers are increasingly environmentally conscious, and this trend is expected to continue in 2024. As a result, consumers will favor companies that incorporate sustainable practices in both their messaging and actions, demonstrating a commitment to preserving the environment. 

In response, businesses will adopt a more environmentally friendly approach, incorporating practices such as using energy-efficient sources to power their billboards and employing signage made from recyclable materials. This shift towards sustainability reflects a growing awareness of environmental concerns among consumers.


5. Customization and Personalization


Like other forms of advertising, data is the bedrock for effective digital billboard advertising today. With the help of AI, data can be retrieved in real-time, giving advertisers a more effective way of gathering relevant information for better targeting and messaging. It also offers advertisers methods to make their messages more personalized and more relatable to users. Through techniques like geo-fencing and contextualization, ads can be precisely directed to the right audiences at the right times based on their location.

For example, creative billboard advertising promoting a shop with products relevant to an upcoming event, such as sporting events, strategically displayed hours before it commences. This approach not only enhances the relevance of the message but also maximizes its impact by reaching the audience at the most opportune moments.


6. Creative Content Strategies


In the era of advanced technology, harnessing its potential through creative content strategies is crucial. Without a thoughtful approach, the benefits of these technological advancements won’t come to fruition. Creativity is the key to capturing the audience’s attention and sparking interest in the promoted product. Take the time to craft a content strategy incorporating the elements we’ve discussed thus far.

Creative content on Mountain Dew billboard

When it comes to creative digital billboard advertising, the ideas are plenty. If you seek interactive ads that gather valuable insights, consider designing a billboard with surveys for real-time feedback. To boost engagement, integrate a QR code on your billboard, allowing passersby direct access to your promotions or website.

 For a more entertaining experience, involve your audience with augmented reality (AR) features, such as interactive games with prizes at the conclusion or captivating filters. If you’re launching a product, build anticipation by using billboards with event timers counting down to the product’s debut at the event. These strategies utilize technology and infuse creativity to make your digital billboard advertising more compelling and impactful.


Looking Ahead to Advertising in 2024

As 2024 approaches, it’s time to kickstart your creative billboard advertising strategies! Nartak Media Group is here to assist you. As seasoned experts in the advertising landscape, we stay ahead of the curve with the latest and upcoming trends. Our carefully crafted billboard advertising strategy has helped many clients achieve high-impact messaging. 

Get in touch with us today to discuss your outdoor and billboard advertising goals and how we can make it a reality.


Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.

Radio Advertising Advantages and Disadvantages

In the ever-evolving advertising landscape, businesses are faced with options on how to connect with their audience. While many have resorted to digital advertising, one must not underestimate the power of traditional marketing, including radio advertising, that still wields significant influence. 


Radio advertising, just like other forms of advertising, comes with its pros and cons. Let’s look at some radio advertising advantages and disadvantages and see how you can use radio advertising to help you achieve your marketing goals. 


The Popularity of Radio Advertising with Nartak Media Group

Radio advertising in the U.S. took root in the 1920s and has navigated various phases. The 1950s marked a golden age with the surge of sponsorship and advertiser engagement in radio broadcasting. The 1960s witnessed a decline as television gained dominance, and the 1990s and 2000s saw challenges with the emergence of internet platforms. Despite these shifts, radio remains influential, reaching around 90% of the population weekly.

woman turning on the radio in her car

At Nartak Media Group, we bring extensive experience to the realm of radio advertising. Our track record includes working with numerous clients and creating impactful radio commercials that maximize efficiency on a minimal budget. Explore our portfolio to see some of our successful past projects.


Advantages of Radio Advertising

1. Wide Reach

Radio holds a unique advantage when it comes to accessibility and portability. For example, it can reach audiences in places where television typically cannot, such as in cars or at the beach. Its audio-centric nature allows consumers to absorb messages without the need for a visual element, making it particularly convenient during activities like driving. 

Beyond its broad reach, radio advertising proves influential in enhancing brand awareness, potentially boosting it by 18-50%. This highlights the significant impact radio can have on your search and website traffic.


2. Cost-Effective

Another notable advantage of radio advertising lies in its cost-effectiveness, particularly when compared to its counterparts like broadcast television. This affordability makes radio an attractive option, especially for businesses with budget constraints or smaller enterprises. It provides them with a strategic advantage, allowing them to maximize their advertising budget, achieve widespread exposure, and enhance brand awareness.

Local Pittsburgh radio network 102.5 WDVE building


3. Flexibility and Speed

Creating a radio ad is typically faster than other mediums, although some advance notice is needed for message changes. Nevertheless, the speed of radio production is still quicker than other advertising formats.

Additionally, advertisers can easily select the time slots to target their desired audience precisely. For instance, if commuters are your target, morning and afternoon are the ideal times to broadcast your ads. The strategic use of timing ensures you get your message across to your intended audience.


4. Local Targeting

Whether you are a local business or a national brand, radio provides a platform that can cater to both local and national advertising needs. 

Local radio stations are effective in building strong connections between businesses and their communities. As listeners become regulars, a unique sense of loyalty develops toward their preferred radio station. This loyalty goes beyond just listening — the audience builds connections with the personalities and content of their favorite station. Thus, radio serves as a unique platform that can foster strong and lasting relationships with their audiences.

 Steelers Nation Radio Logo

5. Memorable and Engaging

Radio is often referred to as the “theater of the mind” because it encourages the listeners to visualize the message and create mental images. This unique aspect of radio enhances engagement and contributes to the memorability of the advertising experience.

Moreover, the repetitive nature of radio advertising can increase brand recognition and recall. Consistent brand exposure leaves a lasting imprint in the minds of listeners and increases the likelihood that they will remember and consider the advertised product or service.


Disadvantages of Radio Advertising


1. Absence of Visual Element

Unlike television or online platforms, radio lacks a visual component. It relies solely on auditory stimulation. This limitation may affect the effectiveness of advertising, particularly for products or services that heavily depend on visual appeal.


2. Fleeting Nature

Messages on the radio broadcast only last as long as the ads play. In contrast to print or online advertising, listeners cannot revisit or analyze messages at their own pace. This can pose challenges for comprehension and retention. The solution lies in crafting a message that is both succinct and impactful, as emphasized earlier.

Radio Advertising Advantages and Disadvantages - Radio studio


3. Over Saturation

Advertisers often concentrate their ads during peak times, creating a situation of oversaturation. This can result in listener fatigue, reducing their attention to incoming messages. To overcome this challenge, it becomes crucial to stand out by delivering memorable content that leaves a lasting impact on the audience.


4. Limited Measurement Tools

Unlike digital advertising, where clicks and conversions are easily trackable, radio, being an audio-based medium, poses inherent challenges in tracking audience interactions in real-time. Businesses are then required to use other means of indirect indicators of success. 

Learn more by reading our article on the different ways to track the success of radio campaigns.  


Making the Most of Radio Advertising with Nartak

Unlocking the potential of radio advertising involves strategically leveraging its strengths while addressing its limitations. 


At Nartak Media Group, we take the time to grasp what your products are about and what goals you have in mind. Then, we create strategies that highlight radio’s benefits, like boosting brand awareness, and find very creative ways to deal with its challenges, such as making sure the message is compelling even without visuals. We have successfully guided many companies through the ups and downs of radio advertising to help them achieve their advertising goals.


End Note

Despite the emergence of new advertising methods, radio remains to be a formidable force. While it’s true that radio advertising comes with its share of disadvantages in comparison to other forms, it also boasts unique advantages that set it apart and make it indispensable in many scenarios. 


By strategically utilizing radio advertising in your campaigns, you can expand your reach, save costs, and convey messages swiftly and effectively. If you’re ready to harness the power of radio to your advantage, let’s talk and embark on a journey of achieving tangible results together!

Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.


Is Print Media Dead?

It’s true that in today’s digitally-driven world, screens dominate our lives. From mobile phones to laptops, we’re constantly glued to gadgets and consuming content digitally. With this rapid growth of digital media, it’s normal to think that other traditional forms of advertising, like print media, are on the decline.

But, is print media dead? We believe that isn’t the case. Find out why by reading our article below. 


Resilience of Print Media


Contrary to popular belief, print media isn’t disappearing. It’s demonstrating remarkable resilience in the face of formidable digital competition. Let’s look at some examples to help answer the question, “Is print media dead?”

As per data from the Published Audience Measurement Company (PAMCo), print media reached an average of 30 million monthly consumers from June 2021 to September 2022, positioning it as the second-most preferred medium, trailing only smartphones.


books and novels lined up in a row on a shelf in a bookstore

Moreover, there is a notable resurgence in the sales of printed books. In 2022, the United States witnessed the sale of over 788.7 million copies, marking the second-highest sales figures in the 21st century. 


According to The Business Research Company, the global print media market grew from $319.47 billion in 2022 to $326.52 billion in 2023 and is projected to increase further to $343.7 billion by 2027.

These are some pretty staggering stats for a media that’s apparently dead. 


3 Reasons Why Print Media is Not Dead

So, why do people still opt for print media when they’ve got a world of information available at the click of a button? Check out these 3 reasons:


1. Tangibility and Recall


Something about holding an actual book, magazine, or newspaper and flipping the pages instead of touching the screen captivates many readers. This physical experience of print media is one aspect that digital media can’t replicate. 

Moreover, print media offers a less distracting experience prevalent in digital content. There are no bothersome ads, hyperlinks, or notifications constantly vying for your attention. This is also precisely why research has shown that people tend to retain information more effectively when reading from a print rather than a screen. One source reported that brand recall through print ads is 77% more effective than 46% digital. 

Man standing with typography book open on table


2. Trust and Credibility


According to a survey by MarketingSherpa, out of all advertising formats, people trust traditional advertising the most when making a purchase decision, with 82% of consumers trusting print media, followed by 80% television advertising, direct mail 76%, and radio advertising 71%. 

Some people view print media as more trustworthy due to several reasons. This can be because, among many others, of the vulnerability of digital content to fraudulent activities, such as those involving bots and malware. Additionally, the sheer amount of digital ads can be overwhelming, which might lead consumers to view them with skepticism. 

With this data, marketers have the opportunity to use traditional advertising to their advantage, establishing brand trust and credibility among consumers.


3. Targeted Demographics


When it comes to targeting, print media brings several advantages over their digital counterparts. 

Firstly, print allows it to be very niche, catering to a very specific demographic, such as hobbyist magazines that focus on particular skills like gaming. Such finely targeted demographics might be too small for digital publications to serve effectively.

Secondly, print media allows for precise targeting of local and regional markets. For example, through localized distribution, publishers can tailor content to resonate with particular towns, neighborhoods, or specific metropolitan areas.

stack of newspapers with "classified" heading in the center

And lastly, marketers can engage in local partnerships by joining local events to distribute printed materials. These efforts establish direct relationships with readers and nurture strong and trusted connections with publishers, ultimately strengthening reader loyalty and trust.


The Future of Print Media


print media being printed from a machine

With strong ongoing interest, print media remains in the game. So, how do you balance diversity and create advertising success? Don’t see print and digital as competitors – see them as collaborative partners to enhance results! The key is constructing a well-balanced digital ecosystem that integrates digital and print media to optimize results

When you target both online and offline channels, your marketing efforts become markedly more effective. Studies have shown that strategic use of both mediums can yield a remarkable 400% boost in the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.


End Note


While many have speculated that print media is no longer relevant, the reality shows otherwise. So the answer to the question, “Is print media dead?” is a resounding no. 

Despite digital media’s dominance in various aspects, print media is a resilient and enduring presence. As a matter of fact, it’s still an effective tool to widen the reach and maximize results, as shown by many studies and the many companies that have embraced print media as part of their marketing strategy.

By incorporating both digital and print media, you, too, can significantly expand your advertising reach. If you seek expertise in print media, the Nartak team is precisely what you need. We have the knowledge, experience, and unwavering dedication to help you harness the power of print media to enhance your business. Get in touch with us today and take the first step on the exciting journey towards success!


Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.

How To Advertise on Local TV

While the spotlight often shines on online and social media advertising, it’s crucial not to underestimate the power and influence of TV advertising. Consider this: the average viewer in the US spends up to 5 hours a day glued to their television screens. These stats underscore the huge potential that local TV advertising holds. When it comes to learning how to advertise on local TV, the key is how effectively you employ a well-crafted strategy to harness this power. 


This is where Nartak comes in. We possess the know-how to not only reach but also profoundly influence customers in a manner that leaves a lasting impact. Let’s dive into these advantages more closely and explore how you can leverage TV ads.


What Does It Mean To Advertise on Local TV?

Let’s begin by examining the essence of local TV advertising. At its core, local TV advertising sets itself apart from national campaigns by involving the placement of television commercials exclusively on local channels. This approach offers more target precision, focusing specific viewers within designated regions, whether it is a city, town, or even a specific metropolitan area. 

digital graphic with a man and woman sitting on the couch looking at their tv

There are plenty of benefits if you choose to advertise on local TV. To begin with, marketers can target specific customers within defined geographical areas, with generally less costs than advertising nationally. Moreover, a local TV campaign is an effective tool to fortify your brand presence and draw in loyal and engaged customers who are already ardent viewers of those channels. 

For instance, advertising sports equipment on local sporting channels with passionate viewership or promoting your auto dealership on a car review program, where the viewers are likely to be interested in automotive trends or even looking for a new vehicle. 

Now, the key to getting all the benefits we mentioned above is knowing how, when, and where to place your ads, which is the topic we will delve into next. 


Setting Clear Advertising Goals

First and foremost, you need to know what you want to achieve. In other words, make sure to define your goals with precision. Are you looking to increase brand awareness? Drive sales? Or launch a product? 

Don’t forget to delve into understanding your audience. Who are they? Consider their age, gender, interests, and all other relevant demographics. Knowing all this essential information will help shape your TV ad campaign. 

Remote pointing at Television screen

Once you have laid out these critical pieces of the puzzle, you can then go on to the next step of choosing the right local TV channels to advertise your products.  

Choosing the Right Local TV Channels

Choosing the proper TV channels for your ads is absolutely pivotal to the success of your campaign. After all the hard work and investment, it would be a shame to see it go to waste by not selecting the most fitting channels for your brand.

WTAE channel 4 in PIttsburgh

To ensure you make the right choice, allocate some time to thoroughly research and evaluate various local TV options. It is paramount to find channels and programs that align with your objectives. Consider the essential factors, such as the channel’s viewership, credibility, and reputation.

Besides choosing the right channel, You must also determine the ideal time slots for airing your ads. Know when your target audience is tuning in, and make sure your ads feature during relevant shows. By meticulously hand-picking the proper channels, programs, and time, you not only increase your chances of success but also maximize the benefits your campaign can yield.


Crafting an Effective Advertisement

The last crucial step in knowing how to advertise on local TV involves crafting a compelling advertising campaign based on your established goals.

male commercial director standing behind the camera while filming a clip for a tv advertisement

Remember that TV advertisement wields significant power because of its ability to engage viewers through visual and auditory elements. For example, many of us have experienced having catchy tunes, memorable words, or slogans from a commercial sticking in our minds–that is precisely what we aim for. We want to create strong connections that leave a lasting impact and enable our viewers to resonate with our brand. 


End Note

There is no doubt that TV advertisements are still relevant and effective in conveying messages to consumers. The benefits of local TV advertising hold the potential to propel your business to new heights. Harness the benefits to its fullest by clearly defining your goals and audience, along with placing ads strategically and crafting captivating ads. 

Creating, placing, and delivering ads successfully requires dedicated effort. Consider working with a media buying agency and TV advertising professionals to help negotiate good rates, and plan and create effective TV ads, ensuring they reach the right audience and achieve the desired results. 

Connect with our team at Nartak Media Group to explore how we can assist you in this exciting journey.

Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.


What To Expect On Tv Advertising ROI

Throughout the years, one of the most reputable and effective forms of advertising has been TV advertising. Commercials generate a great return on investment (ROI) based on the gross sales margin and the cost of making the campaign.

Keep reading to learn more about return on investments, how to calculate them, and what to expect from television advertising.

Determine Your Goal

Before launching an ad campaign, you must decide on your goal. For most businesses, increased sales or service bookings are the goal, but sometimes ad campaigns are used to launch a new product or service or grow brand recognition.

If increased sales or service bookings are the goal, then getting an accurate snapshot of your sales history is important. Knowing your current or past stance will serve as an important metric in understanding your ad’s ROI. 

If brand recognition is your goal, then the ROI may be measured differently using values other than increased sales or revenue.


How To Calculate ROI For TV Advertising?

To measure the ROI, you take the gross sales margin and divide it by the ad campaign cost. 

Gross sales margins are simply the increase in sales revenue minus costs to run the ad campaign, which includes production costs and purchasing air time. For instance, after a $2,000 month-long ad campaign, a small business with a sales increase of $5,000 has a gross sales margin of $3,000. Let us use this example to calculate the ROI. 

After you have calculated the gross sales margin (in this case $3,000), you can divide it by the total cost of the advertising campaign ($2,000). This would result in a 150% ROI.

What ROI Can You Expect From TV Advertising?

TV advertising can be very effective and can have a lot of benefits! Although advertisement channels have changed throughout the years, television advertising is still a great way to meet your goals.

With this in mind, a good percentage of television advertising is between 300%-500%. If we are using the 300% ROI as an example, this would mean you generate $3 in sales for every dollar you spend on advertising.

End Note

Calculating return on investment is similar to any other form of advertising. Whether you’re trying to increase sales or increase brand awareness on TV, your ROI results will reflect that goal.

At Nartak Media Group, we’ve found television solutions for almost any client and budget! We constantly seek affordable and effective television options that get our client’s message in front of the right people and grow sales. Are you ready to get started? Contact us today!

Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.

The 3 Most Important Rules Of Media Buying


3 Rules to Buy and Schedule Media More Efficiently

Understanding the principles of media buying and mastering negotiation is essential for both established companies and small businesses alike. In this article, we will provide the necessary facts about media buying and the crucial rules to follow to help achieve your desired business outcomes.


What Is Media Buying?

Media buying is a strategic process that involves the planning, negotiating, and purchasing of ad space across various media channels to amplify the impact of the message. Its importance cannot be overstated, as it enables businesses to target the right audience and achieve campaign success. 

One example of media buying occurs when you visit a website, and ads seamlessly appear on the side of your screen. These ads are placed based on your interests and preferences. This personalized approach benefits businesses and consumers alike, enabling consumers to discover products and services tailored to their needs while businesses efficiently reach their intended audience. 

Effective execution of media buying yields optimal exposure among key audiences and serves as a powerful tool to educate consumers. Brands can effectively communicate the value of their products and services and simultaneously make it effortless for consumers to discover new products and brands.  

There are various types of media buying techniques, each offering unique advantages in reaching your target consumer. 


Direct Media Buying Versus Programmatic Media Buying


Direct media, as the name suggests, involves direct communication through channels such as calls or emails. This form of media buying goes direct to specific publishers or media outlets, and allows for customization, providing more room to tailor the message to match the audience’s needs and preferences.

Programmatic media buying, on the other hand, utilizes website ads and online advertising to reach a target audience. With this technique, businesses can reach consumers across platforms and publications to deliver their message at a greater scale. 

Media buying offers many benefits, but it is important to note that finding the best strategy takes time and persistence. Luckily, there are some rules that you can follow to make the process quicker and more efficient! In the following section, we’ll explore three essential practices of media buying that can help elevate your media buying strategy to the next level.


The 3 Most Important Rules Of Media Buying


1. Optimize Your Media Buying


Rules Of Media Buying: Optimize Your Media Buying - computer screen showing graphs

The first rule of media buying is campaign optimization. This entails fine-tuning and adjusting targeting such as demographic information (ages, location, etc) to maximize performance. This rule is especially important for traditional media planning, like prints or billboards. Gaining a better understanding of your audience’s preferences, dislikes, and interests is crucial in achieving your desired outcomes. 

Nartak, a local Pittsburgh marketing agency, understands all the intricacies of optimization, including traditional media, to capture attention and deliver successfully targeted messages. 


2. Aim for Cohesion in your Advertising Campaign


Rules Of Media Buying: Aim For Cohesion

The next step is ensuring cohesion between your marketing mix and creatives. These two elements must operate in unison to achieve maximum impact, with a shared understanding of the goals and strategies to accomplish them.  

By presenting a unified message across your marketing channels, you prevent confusion and help your audience to better understand and engage with your brand. For instance, if you create a campaign using flyers and a video (despite being different creative types), they should contain the same core message and complement each other. 


3. Prioritize Marketing Measurement


Rules Of Media Buying: Prioritize Measurement 

Lastly, a vital, yet often overlooked, aspect of media buying is observing which campaigns and creatives produce the best results at the most cost-effective rates to ensure effective optimization.

Once you have successfully measured the campaigns that deliver the best performance while maintaining a low cost, you can implement the same winning strategy into other campaigns. This approach not only strengthens your media buying strategy but also maximizes the return on investment. 


End Note


Rules Of Media Buying - woman sitting with laptop on her lap

Remember, successful media buying is an ongoing journey of learning, adapting, and, ultimately, strengthening your brand’s presence and impact in the market. 

As you engage in buying or negotiating media placement, focus on optimizing your media buys, strive for a cohesive message, and prioritize measurements. 

While it may take some time to fine-tune your campaign to align with your brand message and target audience, implementing these critical media buying rules will help expedite the process and increase efficiency and effectiveness. Furthermore, media buying can also be easier to navigate with the help of a media company that has the expertise and experience.


Try Media Buying With Nartak Media Group


We understand the challenges of optimizing campaigns and the hard work that goes into them. In many cases, working on such a project alone can be overwhelming. That is precisely why Nartak Media Group is here to lend a helping hand! 

The marketing team at Nartak Media Group is experienced in identifying advertisers’ needs and creating effective solutions. If you want to grow your presence without necessarily raising your budget, then look no further! Nartak has 30-plus years of experience in media buying to expertly select television, radio, print, and social advertising for your company.

If you want to collaborate on your next campaign, click the link on the right to get into contact with Nartak Media Group today: Let’s Talk | Nartak Media Group.

Why Is TV Advertising Effective? 

Perhaps one of the most familiar forms of advertising is TV advertising. TV advertisements include some kind of message about an event, product, or service and occur between television programming, also known as commercials. 

The first commercial aired in July of 1941, during a game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and Philadelphia Phillies. It’s no surprise, then, that TV advertising has had a long time to gain popularity and become a multi-billion dollar market. 

Today, we are going to dive in and explore the effectiveness of TV advertising in the world of marketing. Keep reading to learn 4 key reasons why you should consider TV advertising as part of your own strategy.

Why Is TV Advertising Effective? - People watching the news

1. Wide Reach and Mass Audience

The first reason why TV advertising is effective is, as a whole, TV has an extremely wide reach. More specifically, TV reaches a broad audience across multiple demographics in households worldwide. With the ability to simultaneously reach a large audience, TV advertising already has more opportunities to catch the attention of the right people at the right time. 

For example, during a big sporting event, such as the Super Bowl, millions of people are tuned in, watching the television. A single ad during the Super Bowl will reach millions of viewers all at once. This high exposure will generate more brand visibility and recognition. 


2. Impactful Visual and Audio Elements

 Another reason why TV advertising is so effective is a result of the impactful visual and audio elements these ads include. The use of visuals, colors, and motion to engage viewers captivates their attention and ultimately helps a brand generate more leads. Rather than text on a page, or even an image on a billboard, TV advertisements have the ability to showcase products or services in action. 

On top of the visual elements of TV ads, audio elements can also enhance an audience’s experience with a memorable jingle or neat sound effects. Think about the flooring company, Empire Today. It comes with no surprise if you are able to recall their phone number within a matter of seconds. Jingles stick. Even simple sound effects like the bell sound during a Taco Bell commercial is recognizable. Key takeaway? Audio creates brand recognition! 

Why Is TV Advertising Effective? - person with tv controller

3. Emotional Connection and Influence

TV advertising is effective because it has the ability to captivate an audience with a story and create a narrative around a topic. Storytelling evokes emotions and creates relatable stories for viewers to resonate with. As a result, brands build affinity by connecting with these consumers on a deeper level. Evoking emotion also helps to build credibility and trustworthiness because people perceive the ads with legitimacy and authority. 

4. Local TV Advertising is Cost-Effective and Affordable

If you have never considered local TV advertising before, we’d like to change your mind! Local TV ads are both cost-effective and affordable if you know how, where, and when to buy them. Things like local news and local sporting events can attract a loyal, engaged audience from a specific location or area. This can be extremely helpful if a brand is trying to reach a local demographic.

Why Is TV Advertising Effective? - woman sitting in front of tv, watching a car commercial

End Note

The marketing and advertising landscape is constantly changing, however, TV advertising is here to stay! With its ability to reach specific audiences and tell stories, there is no doubt that TV advertising is effective. 

At Nartak Media Group, we’ve been able to find television solutions for almost any client and budget! We are constantly seeking affordable and effective television options that get our client’s message in front of the right people and grow sales. Are you ready to get started? Contact us today!

Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.

Digital and Traditional Advertising: Why It’s Good To Have a Mix of Both

In today’s fast-paced world, the debate between digital and traditional advertising has hit like a storm. With new opportunities and challenges, marketers are often left with the question, “Which approach is more effective?” Rather than pitting these two advertising approaches against each other, here at Nartak, we believe that it is best to have a mix of both digital and traditional advertising. By combining the strengths of both, the results we’ve seen are remarkable. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of integrating both strategies and why it is good to have a mix of both.


Understanding Digital Advertising

Digital advertising is an efficient and cost-effective form of advertising that can be valuable for companies of all sizes. Through various forms of digital media, marketers can advertise to consumers through a computer, phone, tablet, or other device. Digital advertising and marketing take many forms, including online display ads, email marketing, social media ads, geofencing, and search engine marketing.


Digital advertising has multiple advantages, such as:

  1. Location-based targeting, or geofencing
  2. Real-time metrics tracking
  3. Cost-effectiveness

Digital and Traditional Advertising - Illustration of laptop and digital advertising methods

Understanding Traditional Advertising

Contrary to digital, traditional advertising refers to any type of marketing that is offline. These channels include things like print, broadcast, outdoor advertising, and direct mail. This includes newspapers, magazines, television, radio, billboards, brochures, and more! Traditional advertising has been widely used for decades before the rise of digital platforms.

Digital and Traditional Advertising - stack of newspapers

Traditional advertising has benefits including:

  1. Wide audience reach
  2. Increased brand recognition and awareness
  3. Credibility


Digital and Traditional Advertising: The Power of Integration

Instead of trying to argue which form of advertising is considered “better”, it is best to have a mix of both digital and traditional advertising. By combining these two methods together into one integrated marketing approach, you will be well on your way to maximizing your ad spend.


1. Expanding Reach and Targeting

Digital: Both the internet and social media have provided opportunities for reaching people from all over the world. With digital advertising, you are able to target a specific audience based on things like demographics, interests, buying habits, and location. 

Traditional: Traditional advertising channels still hold a significant amount of audience attention. Platforms like TV, radio, newspapers and billboards allow businesses to reach a broader demographic, including people who may not use or are active on digital platforms. Contrary to digital, traditional advertising has the potential to engage audiences throughout their day.

By using both digital and traditional advertising, you can expand your reach and target to those who are digitally savvy, and those who prefer more traditional forms of media.


2. Enhancing Engagement


Digital: One of the biggest advantages of digital advertising is its interactivity and engaging experiences for users. With video ads, clickable banners, social media campaigns, and more, businesses are able to communicate with their audience in a two-way conversation. 

Traditional: On the contrary, traditional advertising does not have the same interactivity that digital provides. However, it excels in capturing attention through memorable and creative content. For example, a TV commercial can evoke emotions, or a creative billboard can spark conversation. 

Combining the engagement created from digital platforms with the storytelling and impact of traditional advertising creatives, you will create a well-rounded and captivating advertising campaign.

Digital and Traditional Advertising - person using laptop

3. Return on Investment (ROI):


Digital: Digital advertising is extremely cost-effective compared to traditional methods. Businesses can track the performance of their campaigns in real-time and make easy adjustments to maximize ROI. Digital allows for more control over ad spend and campaign optimization.

Traditional: Traditional advertising can be more expensive and less measurable than digital advertising. Slots for TV ads or print media placements require a larger investment, but traditional advertising can still bring in a great return.

We recommend using a mix of both digital and traditional advertising in your marketing strategy to fully maximize your ROI. 


End Note:


After evaluating both traditional and digital advertising, it is best practice to embrace a mix of both strategies. Each approach has its strengths and weaknesses, so by combining both, you will expand your reach, enhance engagement, and maximize ROI. 


Are you ready to get started on your advertising campaign? Or, are you curious to learn more about the advertising services Nartak Media Group offers? Contact us today! We would love to talk with you. 


Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.


How Political Advertising Has Changed In The Digital Age

Political advertising has changed throughout the years and possibly for the better. It is a form of campaigning that allows candidates to directly deliver messages to voters. In today’s digital age, political advertising has undergone a huge transformation. With the rise of social media and online platforms, candidates can reach audiences that otherwise may not have been paying attention to the election. In this blog, we will discuss the ways in which political advertising has changed in the digital age.


How Political Advertising Has Changed:


The first way how political advertising has changed in the digital age is through the ability to perform micro-targeting. This technique uses data analytics to identify very specific groups of people with similar interests or values. Using the information on demographics, purchases, likes and dislikes, and more, advertisers can segment these groups to deliver tailored messages. For example, a political campaign might target a specific demographic, such as suburban parents, with messages that directly address their concerns and questions. While micro-targeting can help deliver content that is interesting and helpful, it also has a dark side. Beware of messages that are seeking to deceive you through inaccurate or biased information. 


How Political Advertising Has Changed in The Digital Age

Social Media Advertising

While it may not come as surprise, one of the biggest ways political advertising has changed is through the use of social media. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram offer powerful marketing tools and targeting options, similar to micro-targeting, to deliver messages to specific audiences. 

One way social media has revolutionized political campaigns is the speed at which candidates can get messages to the general population. It’s not hard to reach an audience of people who are consistently scrolling through social media on a daily basis. Advertising campaigns can also use social media to engage directly with voters, share content, and mobilize supporters. 


Real-time Feedback

The third way how political advertising has changed in the digital age is through real-time feedback. Before the rise of digital media, political campaigns relied heavily on polling data to gauge their messages’ feedback. Today, digital advertising allows these political campaigns to receive real-time feedback on their messaging. Social media analytics can track things like comments, likes, and shares to determine which messages are resonating the most with their audience. This allows them to then adjust their strategy accordingly. 


How Political Advertising Has Changed in The Digital Age

Video Advertising

The last way that political advertising has changed is through online video advertising. Video advertising has become increasingly popular in political campaigns specifically because videos are perceived as a highly effective way of delivering emotional content. Video can also be used to tell compelling stories, explain complex issues, and engage voters deeper.


End Note

Digital media and technology have transformed political advertising in many ways. From micro-targeting to social media advertising, real-time feedback, and video advertising, political campaigns continue to evolve and change. With these new tools, however, come new challenges, such as privacy concerns and disinformation. It is essential to be informed about how political advertising works and evaluate the messages we receive. 

Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.


If you want help with your upcoming political advertising campaign, Nartak Media Group has your back! With more than 35 years of experience in advertising across the US, Nartake Media Group knows the “ins” and “outs” of not just the political advertising landscape, but also of the communities and neighborhoods of your prospective voters. Are you ready to work with us? Reach out today! 

4 Radio Advertising Trends to Pay Attention To This Year

Although it may not be the most popular form of advertising today, Radio advertising has a universal appeal and is one of the most efficient ways to reach your potential customer! This year, there are a few radio advertising trends that are on the rise. Let’s take a look at 4 radio advertising trends you should be paying attention to.

Radio Advertising Trends:

1. Personal Testimonials

The first radio advertising trend to pay attention to this year is personal testimonials. Across all advertising mediums, storytelling has been growing in popularity. In radio ads specifically, storytelling is used in the form of personal testimonials to sell products and services. By putting a friendly voice on the radio, the story, or ad seems more genuine and natural. People are likelier to listen to something that feels more genuine, rather than blocking it out.


2. Podcast Sponsorships

Radio Advertising Trends: Person listening digital podcasts

Another radio advertising trend that is taking off this year is podcast sponsorships. With increasing popularity, people pay to promote their products and services on podcasts. A lot of sponsors pay based on the number of show downloads, but others pay based on how many sales are generated from a podcast ad. 

While podcasts are not a form of traditional radio advertising, the use of voice messaging still puts them in this category. One benefit to podcast sponsorships is that the company that wants to advertise can reach out to podcasts that fit within their specific target audience. For example, a kitchen appliance company could reach out to a home improvement podcast for sponsorships.


3. Personalized, Targeted Ads

The third radio advertising trend we are talking about today is personalized, targeted ads. With lots of advances in technology and data collection, radio advertisers can target their ads to very specific demographics or geographic areas. This method of advertising has become increasingly popular and important for businesses today because consumers are flooded with advertisements. By personalizing radio ads, companies can create more meaningful messages for their customers,  leading to increased engagement and conversion rates!


Radio Advertising Trends: Image of radio mic in booth 4. Digital Radio Ads

Finally, the last radio advertising trend is digital radio advertising or digital audio advertising. This refers to ads that run on digital audio platforms. These include digital music subscriptions like Spotify, Pandora, and SoundCloud, or digital radio streaming like iHeartRadio and SiriusXM. Online radio advertising opens opportunities to reach a wider audience and drive more engagement and revenue. 


End Note

Make sure to keep these radio advertising trends in mind when developing your advertising strategy and campaigns. Utilizing these may be just the thing to bring your business to the next level!

Here at Nartak Media Group, we work with all of our clients to ensure that their message is heard on the right radio stations, at the right times. With unique and memorable radio commercials, we can help you stand out from the crowd and bring in big results. If you think radio is right for you, give Nartak Media Group a call at (412) 276-4100 today. We would love to hear from you!

Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.


OTT Advertising Trends to Watch

Are you familiar with OTT advertising trends? Over-the-top (OTT) advertising is revolutionizing how brands connect with audiences beyond traditional cable TV.

As digital landscapes evolve, OTT platforms like streaming services have become the new battleground for marketers aiming to capture the attention of “cord-cutters” – those who’ve ditched traditional cable in favor of internet-based entertainment. This shift towards digital consumption has made OTT advertising a crucial element of modern marketing strategies.

Let’s delve into what OTT advertising is and explore the key OTT advertising trends that are shaping its future.


What is OTT Advertising?

OTT Advertising Trends: What is OTT?

OTT stands for ‘over-the-top’ and refers to TV content that is accessed using the internet, rather than a cable connection.  More specifically, OTT advertising is the act of marketing to specified audiences, like ‘cord cutters’, on streaming services. Cord cutters refer to the people who have completely stopped using cable/satellite TV and have switched to streaming platforms as a replacement. As of 2021, Cord cutters represent 27% of the US population! This percentage will continue to increase with time.

It is important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends so that your business can grow. With that being said, here are 4 OTT advertising trends you’ll want to pay attention to.


Emerging OTT Advertising Trends

1. Increased Spending on OTT Ads

The investment in OTT ads is witnessing a substantial rise. According to Sensor Tower’s study on OTT Advertising in the US,  an average of $3.26B was spent quarterly on OTT Ads. This is a lot of money, and these numbers only continue to increase with time. Airlines, travel agencies, and food delivery companies are some of the top contributors when it comes to OTT ad spend.  This trend underscores the shift in viewer habits and the need for brands to adapt by leveraging OTT platforms for better consumer reach.

Hand holding a remote pointing to a smart TV

A recent study conducted by Hootsuite found that 92% of internet users watch video content online weekly. With this increase in streaming channels and online viewing in general, brands need to invest in OTT in order to better reach consumers.

If your business is not currently utilizing OTT, reach out to Nartak Media Group today! We can help you get your first OTT campaign ready to launch! Partnering with a skilled agency like Nartak Media Group can ease the transition into OTT advertising, ensuring your campaigns are well-structured and effective.


2. Personalization in OTT

Personalization has long been a cornerstone of effective advertising, but its application in OTT advertising elevated consumer engagement to new heights. Tailoring ads to match viewer preferences not only boosts conversion rates but also enhances brand perception. 

Another level of personalized OTT ads is called dynamic advertising, or “retargeting advertising”. This is when the content of an ad changes depending on who is watching it. For example, if a consumer engages with an ad by visiting a brand website, tracking typically shows the consumer more relevant advertisements later. Using personalized ads in your OTT strategy leads to both increased brand awareness and a higher conversion rate!


3. The Rise of Hyperlocal Advertising in OTT

What if you could target your audience by a specific location, like down to an address? With OTT local ads, another rising OTT advertising trend, you can! Geo-location is an extremely powerful tool that lets you segment your audience by location to increase relevance. 

smart tv with streaming services displayed

For example, let’s say you are a landscaping company in Pittsburgh. You may choose to hire a local advertising agency to run a geo-targeting ad for new homeowners in the area. Focusing your ads on one specific location will allow you to focus on a smaller segment of people while spending advertising money more efficiently.


4. Programmatic OTT Advertising

As the digital advertising ecosystem becomes more sophisticated, programmatic OTT advertising is emerging as a key trend. This automated buying and selling of ad inventory ensures ads are more efficiently placed, targeting the right audience at the optimal time.

The use of algorithms and AI in programmatic OTT allows for real-time bidding (RTB) on ad spaces across various streaming platforms, ensuring advertisers can maximize their ROI through precise targeting and reduced ad spend waste. This trend signifies a move towards more agile, responsive advertising strategies that can adapt to changing viewer behaviors and preferences.

5. Integration of Interactive Ads

Interactive ads in OTT platforms are revolutionizing the viewer experience by making ads more engaging. Unlike traditional TV commercials, interactive OTT ads offer viewers the chance to interact directly with the content through their devices. This could range from simple polls and quizzes to more complex interactions like exploring product features or even making purchases directly from the ad.

This interactivity not only increases engagement rates but also provides advertisers with valuable feedback and data on consumer preferences. As technology advances, we can expect to see more innovative uses of interactive ads that bridge the gap between viewing and direct consumer action.


End Note

The trends highlighted above illustrate the dynamic nature of OTT advertising and its growing significance in a brand’s marketing mix. As we navigate the evolving digital landscape, embracing these trends can help brands stay ahead and connect with their audiences more effectively.

For businesses ready to harness the power of OTT advertising, Nartak Media Group stands ready to craft creative, strategic campaigns that drive results. Reach out today to explore how OTT advertising can elevate your brand’s digital presence. Contact us today to get started!



Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.

Why is Advertising Important in 2023?

Do you ever ask yourself, “why is advertising important?” Well, here’s why.

In today’s business world, advertising is crucial. The market is extremely competitive, and without being out in the public eye, your brand could essentially be invisible to your target marketing. Advertising is important in every business because it is how you connect with your customers in order to increase conversions and revenue. Let’s take a deeper look into why advertising is so important by looking at 5 key aspects.


Brand Awareness

When answering the question, “why is advertising important?,” it is essential to understand the impact of brand awareness. Brand awareness represents how familiar your target market is with your brand/business and how well they are able to recognize it. Advertising is used to create a stronger brand awareness with your target audience. This will help both new companies and companies simply looking for an image makeover. Ultimately, every company benefits from professional branding and advertising. 

Why is Advertising Important: Brand Awareness


Another reason why advertising is so important is persuasion. Persuading your audience is one of the top objectives of advertising. Solutions range from analyzing a customer’s buying patterns, consumer testing of new services or products, creation or recreation of a brand image, or development of an encouraging attitude towards a brand. Advertising persuades consumers to act in some way, whether it be purchasing a product or changing their perception.



You need loyal and returning customers/clients in order to grow your business. Advertising helps you to do this by reinforcing your brand message to existing and potential customers. It also helps to keep your brand on the consumer’s mind, outshining the competitors. The more someone remembers a brand, the more likely they will be to share it with others through word of mouth. 



Like we stated in the previous point, advertising helps your brand to outshine the competitors by reinforcing your message. No matter what type of business you have, there will always be competition. Therefore, advertising’s importance comes from the fact that everyone is doing it. If you are not actively trying to put your brand at the forefront of people’s minds, you are willingly giving your competitors the advantage. To give your brand a bigger competitive edge, you must be utilizing advertising to ensure maximum exposure.

Why is Advertising Important: Competition



Finally, to fully understand why advertising is so important in the business world, we have to mention its effect on sales. Ads are powerful tools that can help businesses earn the money they need. Various advertising campaigns can directly increase sales by taking consumers right to your physical store, website, and more. All types of advertising, whether it be TV, digital, print, OOH, and more, can help you increase sales. The more people who are exposed to and aware of yours good and services, the higher your chances are of getting some good sales.


Closing Note

Nartak’s hope is that you now fully understand the importance of advertising. This list is by no means exhaustive, as the benefits of advertising continue to increase. If you are looking to implement an advertising strategy into your own business plan, we would love to hear from you! Nartak Media Group can help you form a plan that implements your ideas into action to achieve your goals! Contact us today.

Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.

How Effective is Billboard Advertising?

Billboards are everywhere. Whether you are driving your morning commute to work or taking the trolly into town, you will see at least a few billboards on the way. In today’s day and age, are billboards effective when it comes to advertising? That is the question we will be answering today.

Advantages of Billboard Advertising

What is Billboard Advertising?

Billboard advertising is a type of traditional OOH (out-of-home) advertising that uses a large-scale print advertisement to market a product, service, company, brand, or campaign. Billboards are effective for building brand awareness and broadcasting a business, product, or service to a high number of people. Because they are typically placed in high-traffic areas, such as highways and cities, billboard advertising also gains a large number of views and impressions, as compared to other forms of marketing.

How Effective is Billboard Advertising? - advantages of billboard advertising

Are Billboards Effective?

According to the Arbitron In-Car Study, 71% of people look at billboards while driving. More than 50% said that they actively pay attention to the messages of those same billboards. On average, Americans spend about 300 hours total in the car every year. (Source) That is a lot of time. Knowing this, it is safe to say that billboards catch the majority of people’s attention, specifically while in the car. Even though display ads are an advantageous advertising tool, you can block them, whereas you cannot turn off billboards. Even if you choose to ignore what the billboards say, they will be there regardless. You simply cannot escape billboards. 


Second, billboards are strategically placed based on your geographic location. This allows you to target a specific location by strengthening your existing marketing or reaching out to a new area. If you are looking to target a specific store location, billboard advertising would be a great place to start!

How Effective is Billboard Advertising?

To truly be effective, billboards need to leave a lasting impression. Each billboard should follow the 8-Second Rule. This means that a person driving by your billboard should be able to understand its message in 8 seconds or less. Also, think about whether or not your product is relevant to a mass audience. If not, billboard advertising might not be the best option. A smartly-designed billboard will evoke many emotions–hunger, happiness, awareness, and more! Who hasn’t seen a huge hamburger on a sign and suddenly felt hungry? Evoking emotion is one of the ways billboards are effective.


Finally, one must consider the costs that come along with billboard advertising. There is more to paying for billboards than just the rental fees. Each company must think about a budget for design, material, and installation costs, depending on the billboard itself and the location. 

How Effective is Billboard Advertising?

Billboards ARE Effective!

Depending on your own target market and what you are advertising, billboard advertising is an effective way to market yourself. Always keep in mind the factors that go into creating an effective billboard/OOH campaign.

If you are looking for help with outdoor advertising in Pittsburgh, you’ve come to the right place! Nartak Media Group is here to help you utilize billboard advertising within your campaign. Reach out to us today to get started!

Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.

Newspaper Advertising Trends for 2023

What is Newspaper Advertising?

Newspaper advertising is one of the oldest forms of advertising that we see today. These ads do a lot more than just showcasing a single product or service, as each ad works hard to reel in customers and keep them coming back. Not only can newspaper advertising bring in a lot of people, but they are a good way to reach those in the older demographic who tend to read the paper more frequently. Plus, a company can run its ads to the appropriate target audience by requesting them to run in the section(s) that relate the most to that audience, whether it be a lifestyle, business, sports, or something else.

Most print advertisements are viewed by more than just one person because, more often than not, print material remains in a home for at least a day or two. Local newspapers can also be effective for more geographic specifications, like restaurants, community events, and local entertainment.

So what are some of the trends advertisers are noticing in the newspaper landscape? Read on to find out more.

Newspaper Advertising Trends

With the COVID-19 Pandemic, the past few years have made it extremely difficult to predict what the future holds. Amid these challenges, advertisers and marketers had to navigate changes and try new strategies. 

While readership of newspapers may be on the decline throughout the U.S., there are a few newspaper advertising trends that seem to be making their way forward. 


Business section of the newspaper is held by two hands

Newspapers are seen as more reliable

Despite the pandemic, newspapers are still vital! Consumers are seeking accurate, unbiased information, and newspapers remain one of the most trusted sources. According to a Nielson Report, newspapers are rated as a source that both operates ethically and has the public’s best interest in mind. Additionally, people are more inclined to pay attention to advertisements from news sources they trust. Additionally because there isn’t the same level of tracking or pop-ups, the advertising that readers do see is viewed as way less obtrusive. 

Glasses and coffee sit on newspaperStorytelling is Growing

Storytelling is an essential tool for all marketers, and it is a trend that continues to be on the rise in newspaper advertising. Brands that use storytelling to connect with consumers build a greater level of trust and brand loyalty. Storytelling offers the opportunity for brands to make themselves stand out among competitors by connecting with people through emotion.

More specifically, newspapers are a great medium to share stories. That is why this newspaper advertising trend will continue to grow in 2023. There are multiple options for newspaper advertising, such as sponsored content or advertiorals. Newspapers offer a variety of possibilities in order to share your story!

Increased Advertising Budgets

In 2023, it is predicted that companies will continue to increase their advertising budgets. This is a trend that has been on a steady rise since emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic. Within the newspaper industry, we are seeing more clients exploring newspaper advertising on both paper and digital mediums. 

Newspaper advertising provides more brand safety

Brand safety has become of utmost importance to a lot of marketers and business owners. Especially with controversy around different social media outlets, and various website scandals, advertisers want to ensure that where they’re advertising will not damage the brand’s reputation. Newspapers are increasingly becoming the platform of choice for marketers who want to build the image of their brand in the marketplace.

Digital Newspaper Advertising and Cross-Platform

While print newspapers are still making an impact, trends show that digital newspaper advertising will overtake print newspaper advertising by 2026. According to Marketing Charts, digital newspaper spending will rise to $5 billion in 2026. It is also worth noting that digital newspapers have been very successful in recent years in building online subscription bases. This trend will continue to increase in the coming years. Many outlets will also offer cross platform advertising so that advertisers can still reach traditional print readers as well as digital. 


Woman holds newspaper in one hand and phone in the other

Advantages of newspaper advertising

People want localised content from their community

Newspapers often have a strong local readership, making them an effective advertising channel for businesses targeting specific geographic areas. They can also be useful for reaching niche markets or specific demographics within a local community.

Less competition

While digital advertising channels are becoming increasingly saturated, newspapers provide an opportunity to stand out in a less crowded space. With fewer advertisers competing for attention, your ads may have a better chance of capturing readers’ attention and generating leads.

Pile of newspapersLongevity in people’s homes

Unlike online ads that disappear quickly, print newspapers often remain in homes or offices for several days. This longer shelf life increases the chances of repeated exposure and allows readers to revisit ads multiple times, reinforcing brand recognition and message retention.


If you are looking for some help with newspaper advertising for your company, you’ve come to the right place. Nartak Media Group is here to help you utilize newspaper advertising as a means to reach your target audience. Reach out to us today to get started!

Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.

What is Media Planning and Buying?

Trying to adapt to the ever-evolving advertising and marketing climate can be a challenge! Whether you are a media planning expert or someone just trying to understand how to navigate their company’s advertising, knowing the ins and outs of media planning and buying is crucial

To say that media planning and buying have changed significantly over the last 20 years due to technological advancements is an understatement. That takes us to the question, “What is media planning and buying today?”


What is media planning?

Media planning is the process of identifying, assessing, and selecting various media channels to reach a defined audience. A media planner works to determine how, where, and why a business will share media content. Through strategic media planning software and a deep understanding of media, media planners can develop efficient, successful advertising campaigns.

One of the biggest challenges of media planning is determining how to serve consumers with the right message, at the right time, on the right channel. Luckily 3 questions can help you to figure out these “rights”:

  1. What is your advertising strategy?
  2. Who do you want to reach?
  3. How do you want to communicate?

Some benefits of media planning include improved efficiency, saved resources, better budget tracking, improved ROI, and a better understanding of your audience.


What is media buying?

Before we talk about how media planning and buying go hand-in-hand, let’s define media buying. Media buying is the process of purchasing space and time on digital and online platforms to house advertising. These ads can be found anywhere on websites, radio, TV, YouTube, and more.

More specifically, a media buyer is responsible for negotiating with publishers for ad space, managing budgets, and optimizing ads so that they improve overall performance. Typically, media buying is done in 4 ways:

  1. Direct Buy
  2. Programmatic Buy
  3. Manual Bidding
  4. Real-time Bidding

Person buying something on computer

Media Planning vs. Media Buying

While media planning and buying often get lumped together in the same category, they each have distinct processes within advertising. Media buying typically focuses on purchasing ad space across various channels, while media planning focuses on the strategy behind the campaign. In short, media planning sets you up to buy while media buying does the actual purchasing.

Let’s take a look at the differing roles of media planners and buyers:

Media Planners

  • Conduct both internal and external market research:
    • Media planners need to conduct internal research to understand the client they are working with. Internal research includes things such as the client’s brand identity, positioning, and unique selling points. 
    • External research is important to understand the overall advertising landscape, competitors, target audience, and most effective media channels.
  • Set campaign goals:
    • Based on information gathered from research, media planners are tasked with setting goals for their advertising strategy.
  • Determine budget:
    • This is important for ensuring the profitability of a campaign. Media planners work to decide what percentage of the budget will be spent on advertising in each channel.

Media planners looking at data

Media Buyers

  • Leveraging relationships:
    • Media buyers must leverage trusted relationships within the industry to help them drive impressive ROIs.
  • Negotiating with vendors:
    • This task helps to bring down the price of media placement pricing to stretch the budget further and run cost-effective campaigns.
  • Tracking and tweaking active campaigns:
    • While media planners build the strategy, media buyers track their performance in real time. This allows media buyers to make quick adjustments when needed to help the media planners achieve campaign goals.

Media buyer on mobile phone

Challenges faced by media buyers

Media buying is essential, but it does come with its set of challenges. For instance, ad fraud is a big issue. This is when fake clicks or impressions are generated, and it can be quite costly. Then there are problems with ads not being properly visible and appearing in unsuitable places, which can harm a brand’s image. To overcome these challenges, it’s important to use reliable tools and proven media buying agencies to ensure ads are seen by real people and appear in the right places.

How to integrate media planning and buying into your overall marketing strategy

Integrating media planning and buying with the overall marketing strategy is crucial for consistent messaging and branding. This means every ad is in line with the brand’s values, goals, and the audience it wants to reach, creating a unified experience across all interactions. It’s about aligning media and marketing objectives to make sure the media strategy enhances the overall marketing approach. This unified approach helps brands send consistent, resonant messages, building stronger brand recall and loyalty. It also allows for a more thorough analysis of campaign performance, enabling effective strategy optimization across different channels and touchpoints.

Market trends

The trends in media planning and buying are constantly changing. One trend is the rise of programmatic advertising, which allows for automated ad buying focusing on reaching specific audiences. It’s efficient and precise, helping advertisers connect with their audiences more effectively. Another trend is the growing importance of mobile advertising, with advertisers using mobile platforms to deliver more personalized and relevant ads. There’s also a focus on personalized and contextual advertising to provide more engaging content to consumers. Staying updated with these trends and adapting strategies accordingly is essential for advertisers to stay competitive.

How To Measure Success In Radio Advertising

Radio Advertising is a tool that has been used for decades to reach consumers across every industry. However the power of radio advertising has changed. Despite it being a solid form of communication, one must ask, “how do I measure if my radio advertising campaign is a success or not?” Today, you will learn which KPIs to pay attention to to understand the success of your radio advertising campaign. 

Why is it difficult to measure the success of a radio advertising campaign?

Measuring success in a radio advertising campaign can present several challenges. Radio is an inherently audio-based medium, making it difficult to track direct audience responses or interactions in real-time. Unlike digital platforms, where clicks and conversions can be easily monitored, radio generally relies on indirect indicators of success. However, there are a few ways you can determine the success of a radio advertising campaign.

1. Increase in reach and engagement


Radio advertising is able to reach thousands of listeners across many different demographics. Therefore, it is inevitable that if you have a healthy radio advertising campaign your reach will increase.

Understanding the demographics, geographic distribution, and listener profiles can provide valuable insights into whether the campaign effectively targets the intended audience. Additionally, tracking audience response, such as increased call volume or social media interactions, can provide further evidence of the campaign’s impact. By measuring both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of reach, businesses can gain a comprehensive understanding of the success of their radio advertising efforts and make informed decisions to optimize future campaigns.



2. Increase in Google searches for your business

If your radio advertising campaign is reaching the right people, then the number of Google searches for your business will also increase. Radio is a fun platform to advertise on because you have the opportunity to get a jingle, slogan, or message stuck in people’s heads. In fact, radio advertising has the potential to increase brand awareness by 18-50%.


3. Increase in website traffic

Now that you have the attention of your consumers, the hope is that website traffic will increase. Radio advertising is effective in communicating messages people will remember and if you are having a successful run with radio then website traffic should increase over time and hopefully lead to new leads/transactions.

Implementing conversion tracking tools, such as unique landing pages, promo codes, or call tracking, can help attribute specific actions or purchases to the radio advertising campaign.

4. ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) 

If you are having a successful radio advertising campaign then you should receive a neat ROAS. ROAS is measured by (Ad revenue – ad investment) / Ad investment = ROAS. For example, if you are receiving $5,000 worth of service from the radio ad and you are investing $100 into the ad your equation would look like ( $5,000 – $100 /$100) leaving you with a ratio of 49 to 1. This indicates that the radio advertisement is indeed working. It is important to measure your ROAS on every type of advertising to ensure that you are getting the most out of the service!  


At the end of the day, radio advertising can be a complementary tool to use when you are trying to grow your media presence. While it may seem a little more broad, it’s still definitely possible to measure your radio advertising successfulness. At Nartak Media Group, we can craft a creative, high-impact message with a minimum budget that will make you STAND OUT and be noticed. We work with our clients to ensure that their message is heard on the right radio stations, at the right times, with great efficiency and enough reach and frequency to generate results. We also work to create some very unique, memorable radio commercials that help our client’s message stand out and bring them results.


Reach out to us TODAY to learn more!

How to Measure TV Advertising

Measuring TV advertising performance is not a walk in the park. As much as we wish this wasn’t the case, there is no singular tool or measurement solution that is guaranteed to work for every campaign out there. Although, as technology advances, our understanding of TV’s effects also improves. That being said, we are sharing 5 tips on how to measure TV advertising.


Tips To Measure TV Advertising


Measure Primary Impacts

      1. To measure TV advertising, start small by evaluating the responses to ads within minutes after each airing. Track the responses through calls, texts, or the web to evaluate performance. These numbers can provide an early indication of how people are responding to the ad.
      2. Evaluating these primary impacts can serve as an indicator of success for TV advertising, but keep in mind that it is not the full picture.


Measure TV Advertising - Back of man sitting on couch watching tvDon’t Ignore Secondary Impacts

      1. When viewing an ad, most people won’t be inclined to act right away. That is why it is extremely important to look at the secondary impacts TV ads can make. Say a person sees your ad today but doesn’t act upon it for a few weeks. They were still influenced by the TV campaign but weren’t inclined to take action immediately. 
      2. To keep track of secondary impacts like these, pay attention to see if the total number of new customers increases, or if your web traffic increases due to consumer searches. Both of these are great signs of effective TV advertising! One more thing to consider is adding a survey to your website asking visitors how they initially learned about your brand. This will help narrow down your measurements as well.


Pay Attention to Big-Picture Impacts

Measure TV Advertising - Hand holds remote control in front of tv

      1. Although both the primary and secondary impacts of your TV campaign will give you some good information and measurements to go off of, always pay attention to big-picture impacts as well. Not everyone will act on a TV advertisement immediately, or even within a week, so it is important to consider the lasting brand effects a campaign can have. 
      2. To do so, conduct surveys to look for changes in the way people think about or react to your brand. Also, make sure to notice if there is a greater range of opportunities for partnerships or an increase in overall revenue. All of these can be used to measure TV advertising.


Strive for Transparency

One of the biggest difficulties you will face when measuring TV advertising is the lack of transparency in the industry. Unfortunately, many companies make it difficult to evaluate the opportunity and overall performance. You want to strive to find a company that will give you full transparency when it comes to the performance data they collect. Here at Nartak, we believe our clients to be of the utmost importance, so transparency comes naturally. We always strive to provide the best strategic advertising services.


Measure TV Advertising - Open laptop with google analytics on screenOptimize Based on Performance

If you have recently launched a TV campaign but you have not seen improvement, that does not necessarily mean that TV advertising doesn’t work for you. Throughout the duration of the campaign, it is important to measure the performance using these tips, but also optimize and adjust the strategy based on those measurements. Working to improve the campaign will help you to have more confidence in the end result.


By themselves, the above tips could not satisfy as a singular measurement approach for TV ads. However, when the different effects that TV has are all taken into consideration, then you will get an overall, clearer picture.


Are you interested in learning more about TV advertising? Be sure to contact Nartak today.


Contact Nartak Media Group Today! Let's talk.


What Effect Did The Pandemic Have On Print Media Marketing? 

The pandemic has had an impact on every other corner of our lives but as marketing professionals, we must ask ourselves, did it completely kill print media? As digital marketing is taking the world by storm, some would assume that print media has gone extinct. We are here to tell you, that it has not. 

Why Print Media Is Still Relevant?

There are many businesses that question the viability of print media when many newspapers and magazines are transitioning online and social media is taking over. But, print media is not dying, it is merely evolving. 

Print media is still making its way into our lives whether we want to believe it or not. If you have ever seen a billboard or poster driving to the grocery store, or accepted an informational brochure about your dream vacation, then you have exposed yourself to print media. It is still everywhere.

print media

The Effects of the Pandemic

It is well known that print media has been on the decline for years now. The industry itself is changing and COVID-19 exemplified that change. Even though change is not a bad thing, we are finding that there are many consumers out there that prefer to consume information through physical print.

Consumers to this day find print ads to be more trustworthy. According to a consumer survey, 42% percent said that print advertising was either somewhat or very trustworthy. In comparison, only 29% answered the same for search engine advertising and a meager 18% trusted internet websites. This showcases how consumers’ trust still leans towards the print media. They tend to become wary of online advertising (especially if they are not familiar with the brand) and this is made obvious by how many people utilize ad-blocking software.

print media

Especially with the rise of the pandemic, we can see how consumers began relying on print media. Believe it or not, during quarantine more people began reading again. Reading regained traction and this can be seen by the dramatic increase in print and digital subscriptions. 

As the media is evolving, we are seeing the print media industry evolve as well. Studies have shown that when print media is used heavily in omnichannel mixes. The collaboration of omnichannel mixes shows that print is actually boosting digital channels to help them score impressively high audience engagement and brand awareness. In all actuality, digital media needs print media to exist. 

Even with the hit of COVID-19 and the decline of the print industry, print media is still a very lucrative business. In the United States, the total ad spend surpasses $60 billion in 2020. 

Ending Note

When questioning if traditional print media is dead in the marketing industry, it would be a resounding NO. There are still plenty of ways to reach your target audience through traditional print. Overall, print is trustworthy, a brand booster, a breath of fresh air, and evolving with the times.